Thursday, March 26, 2009


Hey everyone just thought I'd write a little note today. I joined twitter this morning so basically I can tell everyone everything I'm doing all the time on one more website it's great and should be fun. Friday afternoon I have a ride along for a big job I am trying to get it won't effect my current job I just won't be in the office as much. But I would like prayer because I would really like it if my wife didn't have to go back to work. She is such a great mom and I think it's cool when mommies stay home with their kids, and believe it or not she doesn't even read this so I won't be getting any brownie points for saying it. But the prayer would be awesome. Yah know today it's raining which shouldn't be a surprise considering we are in Ohio and it's early spring. Rain is such an awesome gift from God, not only does it wash away all that nasty road salt but it brings flowers out of the ground and makes the grass grow. Which in turn provides food for all kinds of animals he is such a provider but most of the time when we see rain we just wish it would go away. For the most part I agree rain rain go away but let the flowers a and grass and animals catch a quick drink, then bring on the sun and some 70 degree days. God wants us to think in kiss mode meaning keep it simple saints yes he can be complicated but noticing things like the provision of rain keeps him fresh on our minds and hearts. So here's to you God thanks for the drink now how about some sun. Love you God and thanks.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Back In The Saddle Again

Baylee and Piper

Baby Piper

I'm back baby. First day back in the office after being off for about a week or so to help out my wife with our new baby. It feels good to be back but strange all at the same time. Anyhow Piper is here and the rest they say is history. God is so good, like I said in my last blog when He speaks and you listen good things follow. This all started around the 10-11 months ago a friend of ours was praying to have a child and got a message from the Lord that she and my wife would have babies. Now to my wife and I this was a surprise our daughter Baylee was born at 24 weeks and even though God was so good to us and she is now 4 we thought we'll never have a kid again. But after we prayed and it was confirmed to us that this was what God wanted us to do Lydia got pregnant so did our friend by the way and their son was born two days after Piper. The point is that we listened and got rewarded for it. Hillsong United has a song called Devotion haven't heard you should, but it says "when you speak the fiercest of oceans is still". If this is true how come when he speaks to us we just roll on like nothing happened. By the way I don't recommend living that way its just the way most people are. Let me put this in a Biblical prospective. This come from a study called Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson. Abraham is told by God to kill his only son as a sacrifice, he does so and becomes the father of the Jews God's chosen people, yeah reality check the USA is not God's chosen people. Anyways he could have said no and we prolly would have never heard from him again and maybe some guy named Ned would be the father of the Jews. Basically it would have changed everything in the Bible besides Jesus I guess one persons descion could have and did effect many. But one of the questions in the study was "which relationship would you have been more worried about losing the one with your son or with God?" Now like good little church goer's we all said God, but on the daily do we choose to preserve our relationship with God or rather with our friends, family members, or even the random person on the street. We are no different than Abraham just cause we aren't going to be the father or mother of a nation doesn't mean that our not doing something for the Lord won't have the same effect. Now God will always find someone else to do his work but why not just do what he asks and leave the rest to him. I'm just saying the next time he speaks and you don't listen to save face or to not offend someone or make yourself feel uncomfortable remember that's your opportunity to do what God wants and to be an Abraham all at the same time. So grab that thing and make it happen or he'll find someone who will.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Baby

Hey everyone haven't really been on here recently. Don't know if I'm bored with it or just don't have anything profound to say. But anyhow I've got some huge news Lydia and I welcomed are second daughter Piper Realyn Gordon into this world Monday night. Here are the numbers 5lbs 15oz and 19 inches. Everything is going well and its funny to have a regular sized kid. Don't have to much to say other than when God's speaks and you listen the result is awesome. So listen up people thanks for your prayer I will try to get some pictures up here soon. Have a good one.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just a quick note.

This is just a quick one. Today as I sit in my heated and for the most part comfortable office I wonder about the people with no place to go. This morning I was writing some stuff for an upcoming teaching thinking about different things I could use as part of it. I played a fav. video of mine from youtube called That's My King. It's an old sermon adapted to video and its pretty cool and if you have a chance you should definitely check it out. But it talks all about Jesus and his different attributes, one of which is basically providing for every one's needs. Now not everyone knows they should be relying God for all their needs but I know he still provides for them anyways. But my point is on a day like today when its so cold out and people are starving, freezing, and homeless are we doing our part I know God has put his ordained moments in our lives and we've probably missed some. But think about the one's we've seen and just said no to what if saying yes would have meant someone would have been warm today instead of cold. I'm just saying to say yes to our God given opportunities I could mean some one's life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

24 Jack is Back!

I may have an healthy obsession with the show 24. I don't know why cause the situations they get into and the dumb ways the get out are pretty much not realistic. They really are for the most part impossible, but I love it and can't get enough. This like most things in life got me thinking....hmmmmmm impossible situations with impossible solutions, sounds familiar like I've heard this story before. Oh yeah that's right it's called the Bible. Now God isn't crawling his way through a heat duct and getting cell phone service even though I can't seem to get it in my office, but he does do some awesome stuff that is impossible.

First off he created everything in seven days. I consider myself to be a little on the creative side but i could not come up with half the stuff on this planet, not to mention all the other planets and solar systems. Have you ever watched the show Planet Earth? It's on the Discovery channel, 278 if you have Direct TV. Anyways they went all around the world filming everywhere from oceans, deserts, and caves. They came across some very specifically designed creatures living in some very impossible places to live. For example there's a cave I think it was in South America that has a steam of Hydrochloric acid flowing through it and there are these fish that live in it. They only life in this cave and can only survive under these conditions. I don't know about you but I would think it impossible for anything to survive in a river of acid but not God.

Second he always loves us no matter what. I don't know about you but people tend to annoy me on a daily basis. But not God no matter how many mistakes we make he forgives and loves us. He did this through sending his only son here to die on a cross to be the one sacrifice to forgive us all. Once again this is where God separates himself. I love and in fact like a whole bunch of people, but I wouldn't sacrifice my daughter for any of them or if your reading this you. Now I might sacrifice my own life but never my daughters. Here's why and this is what makes it so amazing. Take away the fact that God loves his son, he had to live like us go through the same things as us, die a painful death for the ones he loved, he also had to die that death for the ones who hated him, and the ones who would never believe in him. That's crazy death for people who will never care.

The third and final thing I'll talk about are the miracles he does. Whether it's healing a cancer patient that the doctors say has no chance to live, bring a baby back to life even though by all accounts it should be dead, or just providing food for a struggling family God does the impossible on a daily basis.

So go Jack Bauer, keep downloading the schematics to your pda in 3 seconds when i know there's no 3g network available. But more importantly go God the real Jack Bauer making the impossible possible.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Winter Storm Watch

Yes today there's a winter storm watch for where I live, and I'm pumped. I don't know about you but to me there's nothing better about winter than snow, let's face it it's going to be cold so we might as well have something to play in. For those of you who say humbug to that move to Florida and hangout with all the old gezzers. Or just wait till next week it will probably be like 85 that's just the way things are here. You know wait 15 minutes and things will change. Not so the case with God and I know I'm stating the obvious here but he never changes. The person who created and loves us will always love us. He never gives up on us he knows the big stuff about us, as well as the tiny things. He is all knowing all seeing and all awesome. Saying this brings me to my point I got an email forward the other day I probably get like 30-40 of these things a day from various people some I look at others go straight to the trash bin. Lets be honest if you want yours read you had better put a good title on it. I read one the other day that told about this social experiment put on by the New York Times. They put a world famous violin player in the subway during the busiest time of the day playing Bach and a violin worth $3.5 million to see how people reacted. Now I can't stand the violin or Bach for that matter but that's not the point. You see not many people paid much attention a hand full put money in the hat, but what they found was that the little kids seemed really interested. Two points came to me from this. 1. If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing because of our busy schedule? 2. The reason that little kids were interested is simple the world hasn't caused them to lose their imagination, or creativity. As adults our minds become consumed with paying bills, earning money, gaining status, or just stress so our brain shuts down the part that's creative cause it never gets used. You see I believe that hope lives within creativity, meaning when we were kids our dreams, creations, and imagination were our hope for the future. Now I know our true hope is in God, but when we begin to only see big things not the small I believe our hope dwindles. Then we begin to think that God is not listening to our prayers cause fire from heaven didn't drop down and save us from our current plite. But we are still breathing, living, whatever. What I'm saying is notice the small things God is doing for you and then maybe you'll realize God's in everything.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rain Sleet and Even Snow...

No I'm not talking about the Post Office it's the weather in Ohio. Good grief this is crazy....why can't it just snow. But anyways I haven't done this for awhile cause of the holidays and what not but now I'm back.

Christmas is really a wonderful time of year to see friends, family, and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Although Jesus wasn't really born during December it's the thought that counts. Don't worry this isn't one of those you shouldn't have Christmas tree's speeches I just like Christmas and wanted to say mine was great.

I came back to the office after the holiday and got a message from a kid I met this summer. It's not important who, what, where, when, and how just met them. The message talked about some things they had been going through in life, rejection, loneliness, and being ignored by their youth pastor. These things all lead them down a road that should never be gone down, I'm not talking about suicide but it does involve pain. So I wrote them back, gave them some Bible verses, and an encouraging word. Not that I'm the end all be all of motivational speakers but it was the best thing I knew to do. The letter I got back said thank you for the support I really needed it I'm not sure why I told you those things but I needed to get them off my chest or something to that effect. This got me thinking what if I had not commented on their status, or returned the letter. Maybe they would have talked to someone else or just gotten over it. But there is the chance it would have gotten worse they could have stopped walking with the Lord or seriously hurt themselves, the what ifs are endless. The point is this was a God thing Myspace Status isn't something i look at very often, and I seldom comment on it. But from some reason that afternoon I logged on looked at status updates saw one that was strange for the person writing it and made a comment. All I'm saying is God was in it I may never hear from this person again or they could write me tomorrow but i know that I answered God's call that day to comment on a status. It wasn't hard at all in fact it took little effort on my part but it could have made all the difference in the world. I'm not writing this to puff myself up, instead all I'm saying is watch for the little things God has you to do they could make a world of difference.